Our Mission

The purpose of VSPA is to support the educational and social objectives of The Village School (TVS) by creating programs that provide active involvement, social interaction and community building among the students, parents, teachers, and staff; and to provide an organized forum for fundraising projects for VSPA to successfully fulfill its purpose to benefit a broad spectrum of TVS community.

The mission and purpose of VSPA is carried out with a strong relationship between the VSPA board, TVS parent community and TVS administration.

The Village School Parent Association Corporation (VSPA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

VSPA related calendar events to be added? Email us at info@myvspa.org




VSPA works hand in hand with the school to host events for the whole community to enjoy

click here to see our calendar

We are grateful for the generousity our community to support our programs.

We rely on our volunteers to make our events happen. There are many opportunities to choose from.

Upcoming Events

Check out our events. For all of our programs click here.

The Used Uniform Store has a new email address! Contact the UUS Committee at uus@myvspa.org. For more information about the UUS click here.

We are in need of school polos and spiritwear hoodies and fleece. Please consider checking your closets to see if you have any to donate. The UUS is VSPA's  main source of fundraising to support our activities throughout the year. The store is 100% run by our amazing VSPA volunteers!

Used Uniform Store

We said farewell to our UUS committee lead, Miha Variu, as she leaves on a new adventure in Norway! We thank Miha for all her time volunteering at the UUS, in addition to all the other VSPA events and activities! You will be missed! 


We Appreciate Your Support and Generosity

Becoming Our Friend is Easy

Friends of VSPA are sponsors made up of individuals and organizations who donate money or in-kind items to VSPA to be used in programs that benefit the broader community.

If you would like to donate or become a sponsor,

please fill out the Donation Form or contact us at info@myvspa.org

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